Meditations for the Via Crucis

The Virgin Mary walks with us the Way of the Cross


Ta' Pinu Via Crucis


The Virgin Mary is the most important gift given by Jesus from the Cross, and there, among the worst suffering, she becomes the Mother of all mankind, the very same mankind for whom Christ offered his life. The Gospel shows us how the Apostle John welcomes into his embrace the Virgin Mary (Jn 19: 26-27). During these few moments we shall have the company of the Virgin so that she may be for us a Mother who teaches us how to be disciples of her Son and spiritual teacher so that in silence she may also lead us to the hill of Calvary, the hill of love, the very hill of the Cross where the sacrifice and the glory become one! Who more than she can ever help us to meditate upon Christ’s love for us, in the same way that she accompanied him in his sufferings.

Introductory Prayer

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Mother of God and our Mother,
Thou art Christ’s gift of love for us all.
Walk with us this way of the Cross, we pray,
Because before the cross we may lose heart,
And fear may take over. Often we see the Cross as punishment.
However it was your Son who told us:
‘If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and carry his cross and follow me’ (Mt 16: 24).
O Mary, Companion of the Lord, in the same way that you walked with your Son the Way of the Cross,
We beseecch you, walk again with us this way that we may understand that the Way of the Cross is the Way of Love and of Life.