Meditations for the Via Crucis - Second Station

Jesus prays in the Garden of Olives

Ta' Pinu Via Crucis

Reading from the Gospel according to Luke (Lk 22: 39:43)

And he came out and went, as was the custom, to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples followed him. And when he came to the place he said to them; Pray that you may not enter into temptation. And he withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed; ‘Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will but thine, be done’. And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him...


In the Garden of Eden, man, created on the image of God, strays away from God and experiences sin and death.
Now in the solitude of the Garden of Olives, the Son of Man meets the Father and talks to him.
The Son looks at his Father and says: ‘Father not my will but thane be done’ (Elk 22: 42).
That which was broken in Eden now takes life in the Garden of Olives.


O Mary, garden of the Most High, through you and with you the Word of God became man like us.
Help us to enter the inner room and in silence we may hear the Word of God.
This is the Word that the Church our Mother instils in us through preaching that the power of God’s Spirit may take life in us.

Silence.....Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

Blessed is the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus
O Lord have mercy on us and grant us forgiveness of our sins

We adore you O Christ and we bless you.
Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.